Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 17

Yes Jayne, I am painting, and I know exactly what you mean about you can see, I am struggling with that too. Let's plan to collect all the research we can about value studies and do one on Tuesday. This picture is the estuary at Morse Mountain, where I spent the night last night.

Hi Rachel, I hope M.R. is feeling better and you're back to painting soon. Here, two of the three boys are gone so I had some time to paint today. What a treat. Keeping it loose I wanted to work on values (something I was reading about his morning). They didn't quite come out as I expected but I did learn from doing them. It's so much harder than it appears. Call me if you want to paint tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lawson said...


I love your landscapes! They are so beautiful with the light and your lovely loose brush strokes. Very impressionist.

I am turning into an illustrator. Need to paint!