Saturday, May 31, 2008

Willard Point

Okay Jayne, as you know, I started this one last summer, did the underpainting and then quit. It has been in my upstairs bedroom for too long, I finally dusted it off and finished it.

Willard Beach

I promised I'd post this, Jayne, and am still struggling with how to capture afternoon light.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chadwick Street

Hi Jayne, look--you can see the shadow of my fingers holding this oil sketch! I sat outside while the sun was going down and lost light so fast. Maybe I'll sit out again later today at the same time to fill in some detail, and see what I missed!

Friday, May 23, 2008


I thought you might stop by after your appointment, and waiting, I ate most of the good lookin' cherries Jayne, here's what was left!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back on track?

Okay Jayne, we painted glass tonight, and missed you terribly. Let's get back on track!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Pond Cove

Hi Rache. This is from a photo that Judy took early one morning, at the end of one of our runs this week. There was a light fog hovering over the back of the marsh - it was hard to capture in paint.